Cowper in the Cloud

Suggested question for a Candidates' Forum
  • We will elect one of you to represent us and to convey our views to parliament.
    The parliament can ignore you and us.
  • We have the right to petition the parliament.
    The parliament can deny the petition – with a simple “no”.

  • Only the parliament can hold a plebiscite.
    It can then deny the result.

  • Only the parliament can hold a referendum.
    It can ignore the result.

  • Recently people called out for a referendum to alter the constitution.
    Our parliament said no. - "Why would I?"

  • People called out for a plebiscite to ask for a referendum to alter the constitution.
    Parliament said no.

Rhetorical: Why do we have a parliament that will not hear and obey the will of the people?

Questions for Candidates:

If a majority of Cowper residents are in favour, are you able to submit a private member's bill to call for a referendum?

If no, why not?

  • because I have to ask my party first
  • because as your rep I will make those sorts of decisions for you

If yes, will you?'

  • yes
  • yes, if my party will let me