The Voice of Cowper

in the house of representatives

The role of our rep is to:
  • inform us about what decisions are going to be made in parliament
  • provide us with an opportunity to offer our instruction on how they should act on our behalf.

Candidate's platform

Sample dialogue:

Q: “What’s your policy on XYZ?”

A: “My policy is to ask the voters of Cowper how I should vote on any bill that relates to XYZ”

Q: “How?”

A: “There's an app. Scan the QR - visit the url - give me your mobile and I’ll text you the link.”

Q: “Yair but are you for XYZ or against?”

A: “I’m for democracy. I get one vote. Private. Same as you."

Next session: May 28 - June 6

Bills before the house

from -> my filtered list

The bill
(link to the file)
The memo
(link to the file)
The blurb
(link to the local file - candidate's essay)
No more pork?
Helen Haines
30 pages .pdf
13 page .pdf
in Cowper
... etcetera - as of 1 April there are 46
That's 46 bills and memos to read and essays to write

Progress on this model is happening via here


from here - this is what our rep will keep us informed about.

Agenda item
Tuesday May 28
Government business
Bill (link)
Tuesday May 28
Private members
Bill (link)
... etcetera - this is subject to continuous machinations by those who call the shots!
This is how we, the citizens, are at the mercy of those to whom we devolve power.
Keeping up with this is our challenge.
Only a handful of bills will be voted on each session
The agenda for the sitting is only released on the Friday before the sitting commences!
The final daily agenda is only released on the morning of the sitting!
BUT: scuttlebutt is the key to being in the know!
The prevailing strategy is "divide and conquer!"
"Big" "issues" are always beat up by MSM.